Other Works:

A Short Story

Jake's Turn

In 1990, during the heat of the battle for Monrovia, capital of Liberia, a West African nation, Jake Moore witnessed the brutal murder of his doctor and friend. Years later, he is still unable to get past the experience. He aches for revenge. When fate serves him the doctor’s killer, an ex-combatant nicknamed Big Gun, he finds a frightened, wasted man who is also a victim of unspeakable crimes.

A Novella

When the Clock Strikes Beautiful.

Hannah Bud finally completes her debut novel. But it took years to write and during that time she was unable to improve other areas of her life. She lives with her mother, is single, childless, without a degree, broke and tired of living in a dry, sleepy town. Desperate to know if her manuscript is any good, she invites her childhood friend, Mrs. Bella Houghton, a city dweller, mother of three and successful blogger, to read it.

Bella does not like the story’s title: ‘Boom’. Does not like that Boom is a fragile, fearful, loud, depressed mouse. She believes it will remind readers of the bubonic plague. She then chides Hannah for being single and advises her to get a guy, any guy, to get her pregnant so she’ll have a child to console her in her old age.

Hannah is crushed but a hamster lover who is a renowned novelist and publisher and a boy from Hannah’s past will show her dreams do come true, if only one is willing to wake up.

A Short Story


Tina Goodrich is a driven, bighearted social worker who believes that every street kid must be rescued. No case is too dirty, until she pulls a bludgeoned, unconscious, notorious criminal called Swift off a dumpsite. The doctor is reluctant to touch him. The nurses wish the mob had finished him off.

Tina blames Swift’s parents, a successful middle-class couple, for his state. She accuses them of not loving him enough and vows to confront them in their beautiful home in an upscale estate. However, the meeting occurs in a shack in the heart of a dangerous slum, and Swift’s mother is a far cry from what Tina imagines. When she shares her struggles to mother Swift, to get him off drugs, and out of a violent cult he joined at school, Tina realizes she is in danger and wishes she had opted for another profession.

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